1.1 Number of Matches:

Each player may play a maximum of 2-3 matches per day.
Players must adhere to the match order determined in accordance with the fixtures.

1.2 Match Monitoring:

Players are responsible for following the match programme carefully.
They must be on the pitch at least 30 minutes before the match time.

1.3 Late Arrival:

A player who is more than 15 minutes late for a match will forfeit that match.

2.1 Equipment Check:

Players are obliged to have their rackets checked by the referee before the tournament.
Only approved rackets may be used.

2.2 Dress Code:

Players must wear appropriate sportswear and trainers.
Clothing must be modern, clean and in accordance with Atatürk’s principles.
It may not carry any elements that may humiliate the moral personality of the Republic of Turkey, violate public morality, or imply any race, caste, religion, sect or political opinion.


3.1 Arbitrator’s Decisions:

The referee’s decisions are final and binding.
Appeals to the referee must be made respectfully and within the rules.

3.2 Distraction:

Any behaviour intended to distract the opponent’s concentration (loud noises, stamping, shaking the racket, etc.) is strictly forbidden.
This behaviour may result in a warning, penalty points or disqualification.

4.1 Field Use Policy:

Only players and referees may be on the pitch during the match.
Spectators and support teams must remain outside the pitch.

4.2 Warm-up Times:

Players may prepare for their match on the warm-up pitch before the match.
Players are allowed a maximum of 5 minutes to warm up on the pitch before the match.
This time is controlled by the referee.


5.1 Sportsmanship:

Players must display good sportsmanship throughout the tournament.
Unsportsmanlike behaviour may be penalised.

5.2 Penalty Points:

The referee has the power to issue warnings, penalty points or disqualification to penalise behaviour contrary to the rules.

6.1 Format:

Men’s Singles, Women’s Singles
Mixed Doubles
Age Groups: 13-35 years and 35-70+

The international pickleball tournament, which will be played in Single, Male, Single Female and Mix Categories, will consist of 4 groups of 4 (the number of groups may increase according to the participation status).

The groups will be played in a league style and 3 matches will be played in the group. While the top two athletes or teams will go to the next round, the 3rd and 4th teams in the groups will play 16-32 ranking.

The teams from the groups play a knockout match with a cross-match.

1st place in Group A and 2nd place in Group C

1st place in Group C with 2nd place in Group A

1st place in Group B with 2nd place in Group D

Group D 1st place matches with Group B 2nd place.

Semi Final Matches:

1st place in Group A, 2nd place in Group C, 1st place in Group D1, 2nd place in Group B
Group C 1st place plays with Group A 2nd place winner, Group B 1st place plays with Group D 2nd place semi final.
The winners play the Final and the losers play 3rd and 4th place matches.
Note: Tournament status is redetermined both in terms of the number of groups and the status according to the change in the number of participating athletes. Published 3 days before the tournament.
Pickleball Prize Money Tournament Participation and Qualification Status

Matches will be played over 3×21 points.
Each set must be won by at least 2 points.

6.2 Tournament Programme:

It will be announced later.


7.1 Time Out and Time Outs:

Each player is allowed 2 minutes of time-out per set.
During time-outs, the coach or teammates may be consulted.

7.2 Fixture Changes:

The tournament organisers have the right to make changes to the fixtures as they deem necessary.
Players must be informed of these changes and be ready for their matches.

8.1 Health Status:

Players are responsible for their own health during the tournament.
Any injury or illness that may occur during the match must be reported to the organisation.

8.2 Medical Support

There will be a paramedic on the field during the tournament.

9.1 Result Records

At the end of the tournament, the results of the winning players will be recorded in the Official Tournament/Match/Scoring system of Turkey Pickleball and in the DUPR system.

9.2 Special Conditions:

The tournament programme may be changed or matches may be postponed according to special conditions.

10.1 Code of Conduct:

Volunteers and support teams taking part in the tournament must behave in accordance with the instructions of the organisation.

10.2 Responsibilities:

Team members who neglect their duties may be warned or dismissed by the organization.

All players participating in the tournament are obliged to follow all the details about the tournament such as match times, court information, tournament regulations, prize regulations, tournament status, match schedules and game regulations. Players are expected to act in accordance with the operation of the tournament by accessing this information on the official website and social media. In addition, announcements and updates made during the tournament are the responsibility of the players. The organization does not accept responsibility in case of any negligence or omission.
You can follow all announcements from the links below.

https://www.pickleball.org.tr/dropick-cup/ and    https://turkiyepickleball.com/

Tournament Responsible Person: Asena ERDINÇ : +90 533 283 54 24
Emergency Hotline: +90 532 736 08 26 (Davut GÜNGÖR  The International Pickleball Federation Turkey)
Match Planning and Referee Responsible: Resul ÇINKIR +90 532 500 08 55